NP no facts only interpretations

jbor jbor at
Wed May 16 17:45:46 CDT 2001

>From: Doug Millison <DMillison at>

> A great example of the sort of ad hominem attack from hidebound social
> constructionists that Bauerlein studies and questions in his article!

Well, no. An example of ad hominem would be your use of the term "hidebound
social constructionists" here, and this description from the article fits
your preferred style of interlocution to a t:

            ... Those who raise objections soon find themselves
    trapped in debates shaped by us versus them forensics, enunciated in an
    idiom of brazen philosophical avowals and insinuations about the
    character of adversaries.

Bauerlein's charge that academics nowadays are not well-read is outrageous.


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