Evening people

Doug Millison DMillison at ftmg.net
Fri May 18 15:36:51 CDT 2001

Welcome, Soren.

In Europe I've only been as far north as Amsterdam, kind of got stuck there
once and I keep going back. Love them Lowlands.

Re COL49, I agree with a noted Pynchon scholar who says this novel seems
more mysterious each time he reads it. I recommend Charles Hollander's essay
on COL49, too: "Pynchon, JFK and the CIA: Magic Eye Views of The Crying of
Lot 49." Pynchon Notes 40-41 (1997): 61-106.

I've been reading Pynchon since 1973 when I discovered a brand-new copy of
the just-published GR in the library at Camp Howze, the U.S. Army base where
I was then serving as a Private First Class, just a few km south of the 38th
parallel and down the road from the Peace Treaty Village at Panmunjom,
Korea; I felt I could relate to Pynchon's Zone.

Doug Millison, Senior Editor
Knowledge Management magazine
(415) 348-3054
DougMillison at ftmg.net

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