9-11 web resources

Doug Millison millison at online-journalist.com
Fri Oct 5 15:27:13 CDT 2001

The Scout Report
 October 5, 2001
 Volume 7, Number 37
 Internet Scout Project
 University of Wisconsin
 Department of Computer Sciences

2.  The September 11th Source Books: National Security Archive Online
Readers on Terrorism, Intelligence and the Next War [.pdf]

On September 21, the National Security Archive (NSA) posted the first volume
in their new series The September 11th Source Books. The series aims to
fulfill NSA's mission "to put on the record the primary source documentation
that can enrich the policy debate, improve journalism, educate policymakers,
and ensure that we don't reinvent the wheel or repeat the mistakes of the
past." As such, this first volume, Terrorism and U.S. Policy, covers a wide
range of primary documents grouped in five main subjects: Terrorism and
Usama bin Ladin; Congressional Research Service reports; General Accounting
Office reports; Department of Defense Directives, Instructions and
statements; and Presidential Directives and Executive Orders. NSA plans
future volumes covering Soviet and US documents related to the last war in
Afghanistan and specific policy topics such as the US ban on assassinations.
Readers can sign up for email notifications of updates to the site. [TK]

5.  _11 September 2001: the response_ [.pdf]

Issued Wednesday by the International Affairs & Defence Section of the House
of Commons Library for the use of members of the British Parliament, this
123-page library research paper covers a range of issues related to the
September 11 attacks in the United States and their potential aftermath.
Among other topics, the paper covers reactions to the attacks (UK, US, and
beyond), information on Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda, international legal
issues, military options, background on Pakistan and popular opinion there,
and much more. [TK]

8.  Public Agenda Special Report: Terrorism

Public Agenda Online (PAO, first discussed in the February 26, 1999 _Scout
Report_) has recently released a special report focused on terrorism,
covering both public opinion and policy issues. The report's brief Overview
explains some of the ways in which the United States is entering new
territory in its efforts to deal with the recent terrorist attacks and
summarizes some of the policy proposals. The Public Opinion section of the
special reviews many of the public opinion polls on issues related to the
attacks and the aftermath. The extensive links in this section, to on-site
graphs and off-site studies, make this a rich resource for anyone interest
in public opinion polls in general or public opinion related to 9-11 events
in particular. The Fact File offers quick graphical information such as
Total international terrorist attacks by region, 2000 and Countries that
support terrorism (according to the US State Department). A list of
annotated resources and links to related PAO issue guides round out the
site. [TK]


>From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2001.

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