Doug Millison millison at
Wed Oct 10 10:12:20 CDT 2001

Something to consider if you're relying on CNN for news:

"THOSE who have been following both BBC and CNN after the September 11
attacks in New York and Washington DC, must have realised why the former is
unquestionably the more professional and balanced of the two. CNN
advertises itself as the world's news leader, but its true spots have been
showing during the past one month. Since September 11, it has virtually
reduced itself to a local channel obsessed with only American news. What's
more, it has assumed the role of an official American broadcaster. [...]
And when the channel almost blacks out the suicide attack on the Jammu and
Kashmir Assembly-the most ambitious terrorist act after September 11-in its
campaign against global terrorism, it betrays an average viewer. In fact,
it's not lack of news sense or general journalistic incompetence we are
talking about. CNN's problem is of bias. Beaming Kashmir's tragedy to the
world's conscience essentially involves reporting Pakistan's key role in
it. And CNN, the official protector of the American interest, can't afford
to antagonise America's latest Ally No 1. [...]"

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