Freedom is another word ...

Dave Monroe davidmmonroe at
Sat Oct 13 02:37:18 CDT 2001

And in related news ...

"'In this time of national crisis, a time when our
most cherished freedoms are threatened, all
Americans—-not just outspoken talk-show hosts like
Bill Maher—-must watch what they say,' White House
press secretary Ari
Fleischer told reporters.  'Now more than ever, if we
want to protect democracy for future generations, it
is vital that nobody speak out about the issues of the


"'Remember, under the oppressive Taliban regime,
people live in constant fear of an oppressive order to
which all must submit,' [Defense Secretary Donald]
Rumsfeld said. 'Under their system, it is illegal to
practice a different religion or support a different
political system. It is against the law for women to
work or leave their homes without their faces covered.
There is no freedom of speech, press, or assembly, as
dissent of any kind is not tolerated. It is even
forbidden to smile or laugh in public, and all who
fail to unquestioningly obey are punished with
reprisals of brutal violence. We must not allow such a
regime to threaten our great democracy. We must stand
for something better than that.'

"'It is therefore urgent,' Rumsfeld continued, 'that
all Americans be quiet, stop asking questions,
accept the orders of authorities, and let us get on
with the important work of defending liberty, so
that America can continue to be a beacon of freedom to
all the world.'"

My understanding is that The Onion, which recently
moved its front office from Madison ("Mad City,"
perhaps not so coincidentally my very own birthplace),
Wisconsin, to NY, NY, was to have hit the streets for
free there by now (it flows freely from street boxes
and yr cooler places of bidness here, as well as at
least in Madison and Chicago), but ...  

But if this is not the case, and you live in the City
so Nice They Blew up Its Towers Twice, send along an
address (doesn't have to be yours, just somehwere you
can get mail), and I'll consider it my patriotic duty
to send along a mailer full of copies of whatever
recent issues I can scrape up.  Have already sent some
to friends there as my own personal relief effort ...

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