MDMD Deism

Terrance lycidas2 at
Sun Oct 14 10:34:06 CDT 2001

This is a very funny book. The dialogue should be staged, if only to
stimulate the hard hit theater economy here in NYC. 

OH, btw, the weary workers down at ground zero have asked the city to
keep the Empire state building lit 24 hours a day. I guess a cynic could
find something to complain about. THEY are stimulating the economy,
wrapping us in those whites and blues (they won't mention the red) of
patriotic vengeance. I invite you to come to my class as guests. Tell my
students, respirators dangling from the necks, arms as big as your
thighs, union men and women , that their request is vulgar.  

oh deism...

Dixon equates the Dutch Company with the god of deism.  

The belief, based solely on reason, in a God who created the universe
and then abandoned it, assuming no control over life, exerting no
influence on natural phenomena, and giving no supernatural revelation. 

This after Mason says the Dutch company is everywhere and everything.
Slipping to a Pantheism there Mason? Have to report him to the Jesuits.
Ah shit!

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