feeding hungry people

Doug Millison millison at online-journalist.com
Sun Oct 14 18:51:27 CDT 2001

"mike j"
> i could only just turn off

Nothing's stopping you, please feel free to turn off pynchon-l.

I'm sorry if I have made Pynchon-L less enjoyable for you by passing along
some of the columns and essays and prsonal comments that I have posted to
the list to counter some of what I have found to be sickening and
disgraceful cheerleading for what I am certain will be viewed, by civilized
people, as another criminal war that serves primarily to protect corrupt
governments and earn profits for multinational corporations  (anybody else
notice that Wall Street is back to pre-September 11 highs).   I remain
astonished that people could claim to understand Pynchon and at the same
time defend-- not to mention the cretins who crow and drool over the blood
--  these attacks on Afghanistan.  I am angry that such a military
adventure is being undertaken in the name of the American people,
frustrated once again that a compliant corporate media is pounding us with
government propaganda and to use Chomsky's apt phrase "manufacturing
consent".  and it quite literally makes me weep when I see that the best we
can do, in response to the tragic death and destruction of September 11, is
to kill more innocent people and help set the stage for what is shaping up
as the first new humanitarian nightmare of the 21st century.  Perhaps you
can laugh about refugees starving to death or kids being bombed to bits,
but it makes me cry. I also freely admit it makes me sick at heart to think
of having to feed my son (he's 14 now) to these wolves in a few years if
Bush has his way and follows through on his promise to expand and prolong
the war. Yes that makes me sick, and very angry.

I think this is not compltely unlike the kind of situation that made
Pynchon -- confronted with an America in which a "silent magjority" and a
criminal government (no exaggeration, that -- both Nixon and Agnew had to
resign in the face of criminal charges, not to mention the disgusting
crimes of the CIA and other intelligence services) supported a war against
the Vietnamese people that has been judged by history to be criminal --
angry enough to write GR and condemn and the War that never ends and
demonstrate how multinational corporations profit from the deaths of
innocents in war.

Doug Millison - Writer/Editor/Web Editorial Consultant
millison at online-journalist.com

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