Blasphemy is indeed the right word

Toby G Levy tobylevy at
Sat Oct 20 16:04:56 CDT 2001

As much as I appreciate the heartfelt sincerity of many of the writers to
this list, I have to say that it is a source of constant amazement to me
that students of the writings of Thomas Pynchon can somehow make
themselves believe that Pynchon would ever condone a military action that
seals up borders so that trucks of food from international relief
organizations cannot reach thousands. perhaps millions of hungry if not
starving people.

Everything I've read (and I've read V, COL49 GR at least a dozen times
plus Vineland and slow learner at least a half dozen times and Mason and
Dixon twice) leads me to believe that Pynchon's philosophy is intensely
internationally humanistic, summed up in one of my father-in-law's
favorite expressions:

"Poor suffering humanity!"

Nobody knows what private citizen Pynchon does to propagate the views
expressed in the published works of author Pynchon.  He is probably doing
what we are all doing: Reading all viewpoints, forming opinions,
discussing  with associates, etc.  The fact that he is not interested in
being a talking head speaks volumes for his modesty in the face of such
awe that his novels inspire.

So we are left to ponder the printed word.  I suggest that Pynchon would
be in favor of neutralizing terrorist organizations without causing
millions of innocents to suffer, and yes, to die.

And to me a life is a life.  A person dying of starvation in Afghanistan
is just as indefensible as a person dying in the World Trade Center.

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