
The Great Quail quail at libyrinth.com
Tue Oct 30 12:29:42 CST 2001

Doug writes,

>But, if it works for you, go for it, perhaps you are unaware of the hateful
>history of this slur, and maybe you don' know how Pynchon works the
>Hollywood Blacklist of the '50s into Vineland, of which I believe it's safe
>to say -- no matter how much you might try to rewrite it in an effort to
>make Pynchon a champion of the right, Pynchon's not speaking out in favor
>of McCarthy's cowardly attacks against Americans because of their political

Uh.... "But," "if," "perhaps," "maybe," "I believe," all precede: "no 
matter how much you might try to rewrite it in an effort to make 
Pynchon a champion of the right."

Doug? Earth to Doug? This is a long chain of causality to invoke -- 
even for you! -- in the attempt to avoid real discussion so you may 
distort your opponents' viewpoints.

>Quail, I would have thought you'd have picked up on the bitch goddess
>America allusion, too.

I figured it was Pynchon, but I haven't read GR in a few years. I 
admit that I failed to see the exact connection of "American bitch 
goddess" to America being eventually portrayed as an Amazon bitch as 
portrayed in the Holy Book of GR, Page 623. (Which, by the way, is 
some pretty cool writing.)

>For all your taunting of Barbara and your insulting
>assumptions about her knowledge of Pynchon, perhaps you don't know your
>Pynchon all that well, either:

Because I merely asked Barbara what other Pynchon she read, which was 
neither taunting nor insulting, you really expect me to feel shame 
that I failed to recognize her paraphrasing? And for the record, I 
make no claims at all of having an encyclopedic knowledge of Pynchon! 
Nor am I hijacking Pynchon for the Right! I'm not even Right-wing! 
And sometimes I don't like America at all! Yes, sometimes I think 
she's *my* bitch goddess virgin whore, and yet I am still in love 
with her coyness, her promise, the occasional good she does! And I 
think she's a better country to live in, than, say, France! Oh -- 
A-and I think Pynchon's a Leftie! Do you want me to admit that again, 
or do you want me to stand up on the rooftop and shout it?

What more do you want from me???? If you can't stick to the point, 
why must you create false images to target with your never-ending 
harangue? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! Do you hear me, Dougie, Scoop, Mr. 
Millison? Pretend I am standing up on a desk looking down at you and 
screaming in your face:


This is the level of pure exasperation you are causing me!

>-Doug "Hooray For the Red White & Blue" Millison

What, France?


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