The patience of Doug Millison

Paul Mackin paul.mackin at
Wed Oct 31 09:44:05 CST 2001

I, too, am constantly amazed. Not only at Doug's patience but at his sense
of humor. A guy with a sense of humor can't be all bad. Need more not less
humor on the p-list. Let humor shine out from all quarters.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Toby G Levy" <tobylevy at>
To: <pynchon-l at>
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 9:44 AM
Subject: The patience of Doug Millison

> I am constantly amazed at the patience of Doug Millison in the face of
> the sophomoric attacks on his messages.
> Beyond the obvious jealousy at Doug's ability to write clearly and
> intelligently, there is also the outrage that he dares to express
> opinions that are not constantly being pushed down our throats by the
> mainstream mass media.
> Count me as another p-list member who despises anonymous emailers.  Most
> of the time, as soon as a person dons a false identity, he becomes much
> more reckless and irresponsible in his postings.
> And count me as one of those who believes that the writings of Pynchon
> from his first short story through Mason and Dixon express unwavering
> support for the downtrodden, the abused, the neglected, the little
> people, the preterite in their struggles against all the authority that
> oppresses them.   Squirm all you want, boys, Pynchon's political is way
> to the left on the spectrum.  Why do you think he's so personally
> paranoid?
> Toby "God Bless Armenia" Levy
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