
Otto o.sell at
Thu Sep 6 21:23:34 CDT 2001

German news say tonight that the Herero are going to court in Washington
against the Deutsche Bank and the German Government. Can't find anything on
NYT, CNN or US-Yahoo on this.


>    The historical facts are not disputed. Lieut. Gen. Lothar von Trotha,
>notorious for his butchery in German East Africa, was dispatched with
>10,000 volunteers and a battle plan.
>    Von Trotha pushed the Herero guerrillas and their families north to
>Waterberg and then attacked from three sides, leaving one exit: the Omaheke
>Desert. When the Herero fled into it, he poisoned the water holes, erected
>guard posts along a 150-mile line and bayoneted everyone who crawled out.
>    He then issued the Vernichtungsbefehl, or extermination order: "Within
>the German borders, every Herero, whether armed or unarmed, with or without
>cattle, will be shot. I shall not accept any more women or children. I
>shall drive them back to their people -- otherwise I shall order shots to
>be fired at them."
>    The remaining Herero were rounded up and sent to labor camps, where
>they starved or died of overwork, typhus and smallpox.
>    By 1907 the order had been denounced and von Trotha had been recalled
>-- but the rebellion had been crushed. Before the war there were 80,000
>Herero. In the 1911 census, 15,000 were found.
>    Few people outside southern Africa or Germany have heard of the tribe
>unless they have read Thomas Pynchon's novel "Gravity's Rainbow" or seen
>travel books depicting their unusual clothes.
>    In Mr. Pynchon's 1973 novel, a psychedelic take on World War II during
>the rain of German rockets on London, a fictional Herero battalion called
>the Schwarzkommando runs rocket batteries in the occupied Netherlands.
>Historians say they are a figment of Mr. Pynchon's imagination. The tiny
>numbers of black Germans, descendants of French African soldiers occupying
>the Rhineland after World War I, were sterilized by the Third Reich, not

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