M&D & D&M & P-L VS P-Y
Dave Monroe
davidmmonroe at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 7 09:00:23 CDT 2001
Hey, I just got called (and I quote) a "honey-tongued
diplomat" there (as some of you might have already
noticed). Now I gotta wonder, is this someone I know
personally? And just HOW personally? But, more
likley, they don't know me very well at all. In the
meantime, gotta consult all this stuff on longitude
I've been accruing and see if they've got a bead on me
--- Mark Wright AIA <mwaia at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Howdy
> I wanna be a giiant vegetable,,,
> FWIW I hope that *our* bickering, withered geezers
> v. wizened crones, won't spoil the party for the
> youngsters in the other room. Let them enjoy
> themselves.
> Mark
But, as always, I'm all for letting a thousand flowers
bloom. Even if I'm violently allergic. Detente,
sisters 'n' brothers 'n' whatever in Pynchon ...
> --- John Bailey <johnbonbailey at hotmail.com> wrote:
> > So, P-List, P-Yahoo, who is north and who is
> south? And who gets to
> > be the
> > duck?
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