MDMD: Meaningless line

Dave Monroe davidmmonroe at
Tue Sep 11 02:38:41 CDT 2001

THE line (M & D surveyed a few) is the border betwixt
Maryland and Pennsylvania, which is, I suppose, to
Marylanders and Pennsylvanians at least, as well as to
the federal gov't of These You-Knighted States, as
relevant today as ever.  There was also an issue
regarding the Pennsylvania/Delaware border, involving
another survey (and there was another ...), but I'll
be posting all sorts of facts 'n' figures 'n'
reference mat'ls (those damme abbr.'s have prov'n
Infectious ...) in the coming week.  But the PA/DE
dispute was only ultimately resolved in 1921, as I
recall (through the haze of documentation I've been
rifling through o'er the past few weeks) ...

--- jbor <jbor at> wrote:
> I'm guessing that the original purpose of the Line,
> which escapes me at present though perhaps it will
> be made clear later on in the text (was it
> essentially a cartological exercise?), has been
> rendered "meaningless" by the outcome of the War of
> Independence. It was, after all, a venture sponsored
> by England.
> I think this passage sets up an ironic distance
> between the Rev.d as the narrator, and the reader,
> for *we* know that the Line later became extremely
> meaningful in demarcating the rift between North and
> South which exacerbated the Civil War.

But the particular resonance the Amercican Civil War
will later give the Line is, of course, Not to be
Ignored Here ...

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