Hope you all ...

Doug Millison nopynching at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 11 20:31:08 CDT 2001

Thanks, Chris, for passing that note along from the

I'm saddened by the deaths and injuries, and extremely
grateful that my brother survived so close to the
World Trade Center. At the same time, I'm not at all
comfortable with the  jingoistic propaganda that's
already started to emerge -- Pres. Bush laid it out in
stark Good v Evil terms in his address to the nation
this evening (U.S. TV journalists have echoed that
rhetoric all day), and given the violence that the
U.S. has committed or condoned, that's a difficult
position to sustain. Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.
 This is a time to stop the violence, in my opinion,
not to escalate it.

>From a letter circulated today by the group,
Contemplative Outreach:

"I ask all of us to be in solidarity and pray for all
those who have died and injured,  to pray for everyone
who has lost family or friends, (someone from own
church in San Francisco knew a passenger on one of the
high jacked planes!),  for all stressed rescue and
military personnel, with all political leaders who
face horrendous decisions, and to pray for the
conversion of those who planned and committed these
very foolish acts.  Support people you know who grieve
or fear or are enraged."

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