Our Worst Enemy

JBFRAME at aol.com JBFRAME at aol.com
Wed Sep 12 14:08:59 CDT 2001

It seems to me that our worst enemy now is not so much the fanatics who 
perpetrated the atrocity of yesterday, but the ignorance of the history & 
religion that makes us want to be like them.  Find out what has been 
happening for the last several hundred years.  Maybe some of you who are so 
eager to jump into this absurd feud should ask yourselves what our 
civilization is based on, the material foundations of the immense wealth that 
is going into the leisure, power & pleasure of the very rich.  You are being 
used.  You are the victims of the propaganda machine.  The utter despair & 
poverty that breeds only vengeance & hate in the third world still exists.  
Why have the resources of this planet have been used so badly.  I know it's 
easy to criticize, & that it's really to late to really suggest anything 
positive.  The only thing I can do now is mourn for the dead & our forfeit 
freedom & line up at the blood bank.

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