Fw: some thoughts on day 1
rhaenda at swbell.net
Thu Sep 13 11:50:51 CDT 2001
----- Original Message -----
From: "rhaenda" <rhaenda at swbell.net>
To: "Nika Bertram" <ame16 at uni-koeln.de>
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 11:50 AM
Subject: Re: some thoughts on day 1
> > sorry, but i have to agree with arne's anti-militarian views.
> > if this was an act of terrorism, why fight back by declaring war on a
> > whole country?
> Because we want that country to stop financing and training and otherwise
> encouraging terrorists and terroism. Because we want countries to stop
> allowing killers to hide within their borders. Because we want other
> countries to be terribly afraid of the United States and its weapons.
> >
> > .. and i'm german, and my parents both lost their childhood and fathers
> > a stupid and senseless war and are still traumatized and their lives
> > forever destroyed. and my grandma was no nazi. in fact, she burned the
> > "fuehrer"-portrait every household was supposed to have, at the news
> > war had broken out. ok, so i'm younger and didn't experience war myself,
> > does this background "qualify" me enough to make any statement? *sg*
> Of course you are qualified to speak. It isn't about qualifications, it
> about recognition of the scale of the terror. 20,000 casualties in a
> day. are not what we were three days ago; we are at War and are servants
> of that war. It will affect you in Germany and it will affect people
> everywhere. We are sorry about that but the fault lies with those who
> committed these crimes and those who prepared them, funded them, trained
> them, and applauded them. For the last few days, we have been reading on
> this list how Americans some how brought this on. Well, what about
> governments in Europe who appeased the terrorists and who sold them
> chemicals and war material and urged negotiations? War is horrible and
> and stupid but it is a cogent response to the mass destruction inflicted
> us. It also clarifies the mind.
> >
> > hell, my grandfather got killed by the russians
> > and my parents used to hide in cellars in fear of air raid attacks from
> > the allies
> > still, i learned russian, read russian authors, and love anglophile
> > culture, even more so than german, most of the time..
> > will eye-for-an-eye-thinking ever stop?
> > where will it lead us to?
> >
> > right now, i feel really sorry for all the victims,
> > but also afraid of the politicians' propaganda calls for more
> > intelligence, surveillance etc. - and the mob's
> > anti-muslimist aggressive voices.
> >
> > anyway, it seems we're still all very nervous, so maybe we should better
> > be trying to get some sleep instead of mailing..
> >
> > still sad .. and sick.
> > nika
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > "I replaced myself with a small shell script today.
> > I am trying to figure out if that makes me insignificant or
> > impressive." (anon. on usenet)
> >
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