Against whom?

KXX4493553 at KXX4493553 at
Thu Sep 13 15:23:32 CDT 2001

In einer eMail vom 13.09.01 21:25:16 (MEZ) - Mitteleurop. Sommerzeit schreibt 
fqmorris at

> The world is not as free today as it was Monday.
Really? Okay, DM, I can understand your feelings and your hatred since 
Tuesday. I think everybody had these feelings in the last two, three days. 
But singing patriotic songs and a good analysis are two different things. 
There will revenge, there will be counter-attacks, of course, that's the way 
it is. But: the so called "terrorism" is a hydra, and Bin Laden is the actual 
personification. If he is eliminated, there will be other Bin Ladens all over 
the world. Since the first hijackings of planes in the early 70's by 
Palestinian and other organizations I see only a gradual, not a principal 
growing of terrorism and fanaticism. The difference of nowadays to earlier 
forms of terrorism  is that the targets/aims are more diffuse, and the 
justification for these deeds is getting more and more fundamentalist and 
religious. For me this is a consequence of the growing segmentation of the 
hemispheres and cultures; but the "clash of civilizations" has economic 
reasons. It may sound cynical but the U. S. reached the "normality" of the 
rest of the world on Tuesday. This is the sound of globalization, man. The 
terrorism of Mr. Bin Laden, BTW, is no "poor-people-terrorism". These people 
are well-educated, rich and intelligent. This is the "islamic spirit of 
capitalism", I only can't see yet the Islamic Max Weber. All your glorious 
"think tanks" know NOTHING about the Islam and the sociological structure of 
this hemisphere. First shoot, then think? Hey man, this is not John Wayne 
fighting against Indians with only one lung. 

I repeat: there will be counter-attacks, I'm absolutely sure. But the 
organization structure of the Islamic terrorism is the cell division, 
invented, BTW, by the FLN in the Algerian war. The advantage of this cell 
structure is: most of them are unknown ("sleepers"), and If you destroy one 
of them, you know nothing about the rest. One cell often knows nothing about 
the other cells. Maybe there was no direct order of Bin Laden to destroy WTC, 
Pentagon, White House, Camp David or whatever, but they acted in "the spirit 
of Bin Laden". But this you can only notice when it's too late. As it was on 
Tuesday. The only fight against this sort of terorism which may succeed is a 
"structural" fight, a fight against the reasons of terrorism.  But for this 
you need a long, long breath, AND you must reflect you OWN position in the 
"international division of labour" (nowadys called globalization). 

Any idea why no communist group ever attacked WTC?

Kurt-Werner Pörtner

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