some thoughts on day 1

Dave Monroe davidmmonroe at
Thu Sep 13 20:57:47 CDT 2001

I reiterate my question, my quest, my request ...

--- David Morris <fqmorris at> wrote:
> Mr. Monroe,
> If you wish to characterize my post below as "onlist
> hostility," so be it.  You would, however, thus be
> exposing your own hostility.
> David Morris
> >From: Dave Monroe
> >
> >How about suspending onlist hostilities for a
> >"respectable" amount of time as well?
> >
> >--- David Morris <fqmorris at> wrote:
> > >
> > > Your point below does not preclude a
> > > counter-strike which is strategically chosen.
> > > It does not force inaction.
> > >
> > > "Revenge is a dish best served cold."
> > >           Sicilian proverb.

Why suspend talk of the texts of Thomas Pynchon on a
listserve devoted to precisely that topic, whilst
leaving anything and everything else fair game?  A
oment or whatever of silence requires just that,
silence.  And we all know what John Cage demonstrated
in those much vaunted 273 seconds, so ... 

But things can get acrimonious enough discussing
Pynchon here--although, astoundingly, they have not
been so for an appreciable time now (do not we
survived Teh Crying of Lot 49 quite well, thank
you)--again, why reproduce the hostilities which very
likely have far from culminated in this past Tuesday's
events here now?  

Or why succumb to the terror in terrorism, the fear of
everyday life, i.e., paranoia?  This list is hardly in
the league of such possibly inappropriate revelries as
such wisely cancelled events as this weekend's NFL
games or Madonna concerts or whatever ...  

Mind you, I'm not calling for a cessation of political
et al. debate here--as if I could in any effective
way, as if that's even possible when it comes to
Pynchon, literature, culture, et al.--but, well, I
simply cannot see any possible objection to continuing
to discuss Mason & Dixon while such ostensaibly
extratopical posts continue to flood into my inbox ...

Just barely keeping my head above water here, but my
trusty 1st ed. M&D is proving a formidable flotation
device, so ...

So increase the peace, David, ev'rybody--

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