Mark Wright AIA mwaia at
Sat Sep 15 08:12:22 CDT 2001

I hope that MDMD gathers momentum. I'm in the midst of M&D and loving
every line as I hadn't before. I look forward to the unfolding this
flower in spite of the awfulness to come. I will look for tolerance,
forebearance, and a robust faith in the good intentions of our fellows
on the p-list, as always.  
Regards to all, and an un-ironic bow from the waist from

--- Thomas Eckhardt <thomas.eckhardt at> wrote:
> It is oh so great to hear from you, Terrance. Yes, let us continue
> Literature is not just some form of entertainment which becomes
> irrelevant in times of political, ethical, spiritual crisis. Just the
> opposite is the case.
> Well, at least that's what I think.
> Thomas

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