terrible tuesday & qbl

lorentzen-nicklaus lorentzen-nicklaus at t-online.de
Sat Sep 15 09:27:22 CDT 2001

in kabbalist numerology one does add up again and again, taking the total of the 
digits, to find out the most relevant sphere. when you do this with "9-11-2001" 
you, finally, come to five. in the kabbalah, the number 5 is related to the 
sefirah "gevurah" (gimel, beth, vav, resch, he), which is hebrew for 
judgement/strength/toughness. this sphere can be connected to mars, the color 
scarlet, the right arm, the vision of power, flaming snakes, guts, destruction, 
the pentagon, the sword, the spear, the chain, strife (5 of wands), loss of joy 
(5 of cups), defeat (5 of swords), worry (5 of disks), and - the french word 
"mardi" still contains the refs to the planet & the roman god of war - tuesday. 

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