The Twins

Mutualcode at Mutualcode at
Sat Sep 15 21:06:20 CDT 2001

Pitt & Pliny, not the towers, (but...) are part of the
nuclear family, and, identical, no doubt- but as with the 
mirror, asymmetry creeps into this tale early. And, while they
both relish violence and mayhem, their dual names belie an
underlying difference in parity, or an asymmetry- Pitt jr and sr being
an historical father and son, while the Pliny's being uncle and nephew.
The Pliny's were also historically earlier, so that even Pliny the
younger is historically older than Pitt the older. 

In the larger narrative the twin motif will be revisited in,
appropriately, Chapter 11, where the "twin gallows" on the 
(western?) horizon of St. Helens stand out as complementary
pillars underlying Western Hegemony.

(Not sure if P. had the twin towers in mind there, yet, I can't help but
feel like he must have been aware of that possibility.
Those who destroyed them certainly saw them in that light.)

On the nuclear scale, it is the weak force and its attendant bosons 
that are responsible for nuclear decay, and the breaking of symmetry 
that allowed matter to triumph over anti-matter in the first micro-seconds 
of the big bang, allowing the world as we know it to eventually come into 
existence, including carbon based life forms. 

Carbon, the backbone of all sugars, e.g., deoxyribose, bears atomic number
six (six electrons), and is definitely superior in your coffee to a spoonful
of silicon- not to mention those other sacchromaniac delghts. Ribose is a
five carbon sugar. Deoxyribose is like a "flatted fifth."


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