NP a reasonable proposal

David Morris fqmorris at
Sun Sep 16 00:15:29 CDT 2001

After WWII certain judgements were made about right and wrong.  Conventions 
of international law were adopted.  Some "activities" were made illegal, but 
mostly those laws have been ignored.

It seems to me a new international treaty on terrorism might be in order.  
The next terrorist level is obviously the breifcase N-bomb, not the rouge 
missle.  This suitcase-bomb threat might precede Pynchon's fear of genetic 

David Morris

>From: Doug Millison
>That the Taliban persists in its activities could
>serve as a wake-up call for the U.S. to try to
>understand better and find ways to deal with the
>situation that exists, instead of proclaiming God to
>be on our side -- as, in effect, Bush today did -- and
>arrogantly acting as God's proxies to rain sulfur and
>brimstone and kill more innocent people.
>The Us vs Them thinking that seems to have control of
>U.S. leaders and many -- but not all -- people here in
>the U.S. is the same kind of thinking that got us into
>this situation.

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