
Henry Musikar scuffling at
Mon Sep 17 16:06:45 CDT 2001

BS! "Feelings are running high" is not a request for anyone to contain
themselves; it is the weakest of excuses for misbehavior. The terrorist's
feeling were "running high." The nazis' feelings were "running high." "I hit
her 'cause I'm inarticulate and I my feelings were "running high." "We wiped
out a country, including the downtrodden opposition, because..."

Yeah! Feelings are running high, but do you desire the end of all things as
much as the terrorists may have?

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Morris" <fqmorris at>
To: <scuffling at>; <MalignD at>; <pynchon-l at>
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 4:53 PM
Subject: Re: Re: crusade

> No.  Once again it's YOU who is behaving in the manner you so decry below.
MalignD was calling for you to display self-containment.  It seems you
> David Morris
> >From: "Henry Musikar" I always thought them better than your message
below. What a shame. I expect that any message now you'll start calling
everyone that disagrees with you "Poopy rag-head lovers!"
> >
> >From: <MalignD at>
> > > I wrote, a moment ago, to some guy named Arne:  "It's a craven
> > >
> > > Same goes to you.  Feelings are running high.  If you can't deal with
strong responses, stay away.  Your particular point of view is not sacred.
> > >

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