
Henry Musikar scuffling at
Mon Sep 17 16:42:44 CDT 2001

I apologize. My feelings are running high. Really. I am upset with much more
than one or a dozen internet messages. The horror of last weeks attack
requires an answer of some sort. But I am also concerned that inarticulate
anger world-wide is leading us closer to Armageddon than we have ever been
since the world has developed the means to an end. No doubt there has been
trepidation at the start of every war, world wars in particular, from
ancient times through Vietnam, but never before has the possibility of a
swift end of all life been as feasible as it is today.

And I am sorry, but I am particularly sensitive to the abridgement of
personal freedoms, especially free speech, and feel that speech that
discourages speech is almost as intolerable as yelling fire in a theater
(when there is no fire). Is my  desire to censure, rather than censor, such
speech paradoxical? Of course.

----- Original Message -----
From: <MalignD at>
To: <pynchon-l at>
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 5:15 PM
Subject: Re: Re: Re: crusade

> <<BS! "Feelings are running high" is not a request for anyone to contain
> themselves; it is the weakest of excuses for misbehavior. The terrorist's
> feeling were "running high." The nazis' feelings were "running high." "I
> her 'cause I'm inarticulate and I my feelings were "running high." >>
> Are you an hysteric?  You compare a single posting to the P-list to the
> reich?  To wife beating?
> People are angry, very angry.  They've lost family, some of them, and they
> feel threatened and vulnerable.  And they're going to vent, particularly
> the internet.  If you expect otherwise, you're naive and that's on you.

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