terrorist under every bed

lorentzen-nicklaus lorentzen-nicklaus at t-online.de
Tue Sep 18 02:32:38 CDT 2001

Doug Millison schrieb:

>  A terrorist
> under every bed seems to be the tenor of quite a bit
> of commentary out there-- terrorist cells are active
> in California, one of our Senators said.  Terrorists
> may be living in the house next door -- if U.S.
> leaders follow the logic of their promise to root out
> and eliminate this evil, we'll be at war with just
> about everybody, everywhere, if in fact terrorists are
> everywhere. 

  not only 3, as it appeared last week, but 7 of the terrorists were or 
  are students of the university i'm working at (tu hh); me has, probably, been 
  sitting at the same cafeteria table with those ************ assholes!

kai frederik  //:: ps: oh henry, honey, please give us a break, will ya?!

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