dragging out the scapegoats

John Lundy jlundy at gyk.com.au
Wed Sep 19 23:15:34 CDT 2001

What's Chompsky done wrong?

On Wednesday, 19 September 2001 05:58, Jerky [SMTP:tib at virtualservice.com] wrote:
> Speaking of scapegoats...  would you mind elucidating exactly how "these 
> problems" can be attributed to Clinton? I've heard dozens of right-wing 
> demagogues repeat this accusation over the last week, without any real details.
> Personally, I wish we had a man of Clinton's intellect, capability and 
> empathy in the White House right now, rather than that comic strip cowboy 
> and the hard-to-believe collection of evil fuckers that surround him. It 
> would have been better to have Al Gore - the "smartest kid in class" as he 
> was so condescendingly referred to during the election - in there, as well.
> As for Chomsky: Yeah.  He stepped over the line.
> Cheers,
> yer old pal Jerky
> At 01:37 PM 9/19/01 -0400, you wrote:
> >Well all I can say is it's a good thing Clinton, the poll
> >president is out of office.
> >Haven't heard much criticism of him from the left. Why not?
> >Bush in office only a short time here and many of these
> >problems, although the left points its finger only at  Bush
> >I and Bush II, can be attributed to the Clinton
> >Administration.
> >
> >Also, I think Chomsky has completely lost all credibility
> >now. He is too selective with history. He can find only what
> >a lefty gone extreme can discover in these recent events,
> >selective reading of US foreign policy.

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