infinite justice digest

Otto o.sell at
Fri Sep 21 07:43:18 CDT 2001

The Digital Reichstag
In the wake of the WTC attack, the US State is rushing through legislation
that increases surveillance powers whilst abrogating the Constitution and
basic civil rights
Jamie J.King 21.09.2001

Hacker or Terrorist? Both.
European Commission: Attacks on information systems punishable as a
terrorist offense
Jelle van Buuren 21.09.2001

Pearl Harbour Redux
Did We Have Advance Warning of Attack?
Wayne Madsen 20.09.2001

A Willful Misunderstanding?
The Hamburg Musikfest cancels concerts by Karlheinz Stockhausen following
his comments on the WTC attacks
David Huson 19.09.2001

The Perils of Solidarity
The mood in Germany and Europe whiplashed this week from testy to grief and
solidarity; only to give way again to fear
David Hudson 17.09.2001

Berlin's Media Drunken Fit
Weekly Review: BerlinBeta, the IFA, a film and TV conference. It's
"International Media Week, Berlin-Brandenburg". Also: The New Republic
ponders German politics and literature.
David Hudson 02.09.2001

The Internet backlash
We are witnessing a backlash against the progressive potential of the
Felix Stalder 28.08.2001

Dutch Police expected to check 300.000 Internet-users in 2004
Internet Brigade gets fit for fighting Cyber Crime
Jelle van Buure 26.08.2001

The Internet: A Terrorist Network?
Steganography, or the debate about privacy versus security

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