Pynchon and the current situation

lorentzen-nicklaus lorentzen-nicklaus at
Sat Sep 22 04:29:46 CDT 2001

Doug Millison schrieb:

>  There is no boundary between the literary
> and other artistic fantasies that we erect and project
> and the rest of the world in which we live.

   if this was true, there would be no possibility to differentiate art from 
   non-art; living in post-avantgardistic times, the "boundary" you speak of is 
   doubtlessly given. it was questioned during the 'rushdie affair', though.   

kai frederik 

   ps: the night before yesterday i watched j. galtung (the pacifist social    
   scientist, "project camelot" yada yada yada) on tv and he - me took a real   
   bitter laughter - seriously suggested to 'solve' the crisis by    
   'inter-cultural dialogues' between islamists and us-protestants ... you know, 
   the man is an 'expert' ... 

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