pynchon-l-digest V2 #2072

Doug Millison millison at
Sat Sep 22 11:04:34 CDT 2001

>Right, we need to grieve together, no sense trying to say, as many Lefty
>propagandists are, that the government has stolen our time of grief.

Then why didn't Bush and his war-mongering cronies let the country grieve
before crowing about war?  Why not allow a period of mourning and grief?
And then let the U.S. people make a decision about what to do next, on the
basis of good information and time to think, instead of forcing a
commitment to military strikes while still stunned with grief and emotion
and ramming through a spending package to get the engines of war started.

Doug Millison - Writer/Editor/Web Editorial Consultant
millison at

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