pre-empting grief to start the War

Terrance lycidas2 at
Sat Sep 22 11:50:17 CDT 2001

Doug Millison wrote:
> I find it amazing that people sensitive enough to
> respond to Pynchon's art can apparently put the books
> back on the shelf, ignore the critique of War and the
> business of War they contain, and support a drugstore
> cowboy president who promises more of the same,
> pushing us towards the same Armageddon (you think the
> terrorists don't have nuclear, chemical, or biological
> weapons) or that, apparently, so impressed Pynchon?

I think I understand the critique of war in GR. As you well know, I have
not ignored  what I read, the archives are full of my posts on this
topic. I simply don't agree with your reading of it or your application
of it and your reading to the current mess. As for supporting Bush, I
can't understand you Doug, you complain that those of us that are
calling for peace will be in the minority for a while and will be
accused of not being good citizens, patriotic an all that, but you use
their bully tactics on me, saying I support a drugstore cowboy because I
have criticized those that have offered nothing but adolescent name
calling and tired propaganda lines to the debate. 

> P.P.S. Reconciling with enemies is difficult and
> time-consuming but not impossible, cf. the several
> legally instituted processes of investigation,
> adjudication, and reconciliation that are currently
> underway helping enemies come together in peace and
> with justice at various places in the world.
> Admittedly, it's a lot more difficult than launching a
> rocket. But we have examples that demonstrate it's
> possible.

Actually,  it's easier. Because after you launch the rocket you will
have to sit down and talk and work. And the problems that are present
now will only be compounded by the rockets.

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