Meaning of "Bin Laden"
KXX4493553 at
KXX4493553 at
Sun Sep 23 08:44:29 CDT 2001
In einer eMail vom 23.09.01 14:29:12 (MEZ) - Mitteleurop. Sommerzeit schreibt
ame16 at
> hm.. although rather more obvious would be the German interpretation of
> the name as meaning simply "loading", like in "i am (off) loading my
> guns"..
Yes, you are right. It has a double-meaning. Laden as verb means "loading".
But "Laden" as "store" use people in Germany in every-day-life, "high brow"
German would be "Geschaeft". "Geschaeft" and "Laden" are the same, Geschaeft
sounds moure "distinguished".
Kurt-Werner Pörtner
P. S.: "Geschaefte machen" also means "make a deal" or "business".
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