MDMD2: Magnetical Stupors
lycidas2 at
Mon Sep 24 16:29:00 CDT 2001
Paul Nightingale wrote:
> In Ch3 the narrative-as-C18th-pastiche is disrupted by the exchange in
> dialect between Mason and Dixon (p15). This is followed by Dixon's attempt
> at a joke; he apologises for his Corsican accent and is then cut short
> before we are allowed to see a textual rendering of the Proper
> Englishwoman's response (p16).This would be Dixon, who has 'learned' to
> 'overcome' his regional accent, and thereby go some way to disguising his
> personal history, reproducing the standard English spoken by a Lady
but Mason prevents him from Reproducing and English Lady's language,
perhaps saving him from the sailors who might be excited by a Quaker in
a red coat of military cut, speaking like an English lady. Recall that
Zoyd Wheeler (in drag) has a bit of trouble in the Log Jam. Also, as
Dave noted, while Dixon did sport a red coat, no Friend ever did, they
wore dull greys and dingy browns, and of course he has dropped the
Quaker forms of YOU.
A Fallen Friend? I hope he doesn't Whip the baby out with the filthy
bath water.
A Quaker farmer was milking his cow
the cow kicked the bucket over and spilled the milk
The Quaker farmer said to the cow,
"I can not curse Thee.
I can not kick Thee.
But I can sell Thee to a Catholic."
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