MDMD2: Magnetical Stupors

Paul Mackin paul.mackin at
Tue Sep 25 10:31:46 CDT 2001

----- Original Message -----
From: "Judy Panetta" <judy at>

> the risk of presenting my very best portrayal of a
> very dim bulb...could someone tell me what the punch line was gonna be?
> was the English woman gonna say?
> Is there a punch line? Or is he (Mr. P) just being a tease? Oh, c'mon,
> must've have been a punch line.
> Any response, speculation, hint would be greatly appreciated.

OK. Think the key here is your question as to whether there even IS a punch
line. My answer would be--not in the standard joke format sense. However
isn't the possibility that the proper Englishwoman RECOGNIZES that she is
about to become a part of Dixon's (by all reasonable expectations) off color
joke and for this reason feels required to express her disapproval quite
funny enough in itself? The lady is neither a p-reader nor a Dixon-listener.

One can speculate on how such knowledge came to the good lady. Perhaps she
has heard priest, minister, and rabbi jokes before and knows that, as they
say, all men are the same.

And when going to Bath one must be ever vigilant.


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