MDMD2: Magnetical Stupors

Terrance lycidas2 at
Tue Sep 25 10:48:30 CDT 2001

Judy Panetta wrote:
> Terrance,
> My sincere apologies. Yes, I remember reading this...but...ah...didn't get
> that it was...ah...a joke. Really. Sorry. Didn't mean to offend. Honestly.
> About the red coat: you just wait and see.
> Best, Judy

Judy Panetta wrote:
> Terrance,
> My sincere apologies. Yes, I remember reading this...but...ah...didn't get
> that it was...ah...a joke. Really. Sorry. Didn't mean to offend. Honestly.
> About the red coat: you just wait and see.
> Best, Judy

>From my reading of all this, I think Kai was attempting, and other too,
to get us 
punching humorous lines. Have fun with all this. We could all use a good
long laugh these days that for sure. My punchy lines of speculation are
supposed to be funny, not linear. Dog  forbid! 

 I once wrote one of our most mild mannered P-list personas that like
Mr. Dixon I am something of a fallen [Quaker] RC. I was breaking the
silence between us, as Quakers say. I said, when I play golf I never
carry a one iron (golfers consider a one iron the most difficult club to
use) because only god can hit a one iron (I took this line from Lee
Travino, an old golf pro he has been hit by lightening several times 
standing in a field with an iron club in your hand is almost an
invitation to god to send his mighty rod down upon thee). The mild
mannered P-lister, not a golfer,  had no idea what the hell I was
talking about and nearly took me for a madman. Well, he didn't need my
golf joke to reach that conclusion, now did he. 

communication Miss Judy, communications ghostly and ghastly, that's a
big topik in this book and in Pynchon's novels generally. And we have
folks from all round the globe, sad, stressed. It's easy to take a word
in the wrong language here. You, thou, thee and me, has to be careful


PS she turned me into a Newt (to the OFFLIST post I received on this
silly post) is a punch line form Monty Python and the holy Grail. Newt
Gingritch told his mother that the then first lady (now junior senator
of and not from New York)  of these  United States  was a Bitch. His
mother told a political pundit (though I think game show host is a
better term and not Pundit) , maybe Sam or Ted, Barbara or Coke hee hee,
but not Bill O'Shinanigans, that her then Speaker of House son, Newt, 
had called Hillary a bitch. He had to apologize to the world on the
Clinton News Netjerk, now the leaning Righty makes Mighty ratings

In the Film a girl is accused of being a witch. 
Her accuser is running about yelling, "She's a witch, she's a witch,
she's a witch!" 

The Clerical magistrate ask the accuser how he knows that the girl is a
He says,  "she turned me into a Newt."
The magistrate says, "you don't look like one." 
and the accuser says, "I got better." 

The madness of crowds indeed. 

I am  reminded of another film by Terry G., Brazil, 
"terrorists are bad sports cause they just can't stand to see the other
guy win." 

This has been a special report from....
Now back to the radio

"She was just 16 years old and she'd never seen the ocean...."

And a little rain never hurt no one, and a little rain... 

Oh,  on the macaronis, fops, Algernon, this is a good one to start:

Thanks Judy, nice of you to keep cool and care  on a  rainy day.

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