pynchon-l-digest V2 #2081

Doug Millison nopynching at
Tue Sep 25 12:43:56 CDT 2001

Hitler killed himself, apparently. Nazism spread to
many other countries in the wake of WWII and continues
to flourish in one form or another. 

We do know that, whatever else it may have
accomplished, WWII killed way too many innocent
civilians -- Dresden, Hiroshima, the German attack on
London, the Japanese atrocities in China and elsewhere
in their colonial sphere and theatre of war. 

It's a fact that wars have continued without cease, in
one or another place in the world, since the "end" of
World War II.  Clearly, war and violence don't bring

It's also a fact that, not having taken the pacifist
alternative, we don't know what it might have

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