pynchon-l-digest V2 #2081
lorentzen-nicklaus at
Wed Sep 26 03:18:25 CDT 2001
aren't you the guy who thought gr to be a "holocaust-novel"?
kai frederik, who wants his children to live in a free 'americanized' world ...
Doug Millison schrieb:
> Hitler killed himself, apparently. Nazism spread to
> many other countries in the wake of WWII and continues
> to flourish in one form or another.
> We do know that, whatever else it may have
> accomplished, WWII killed way too many innocent
> civilians -- Dresden, Hiroshima, the German attack on
> London, the Japanese atrocities in China and elsewhere
> in their colonial sphere and theatre of war.
> It's a fact that wars have continued without cease, in
> one or another place in the world, since the "end" of
> World War II. Clearly, war and violence don't bring
> peace.
> It's also a fact that, not having taken the pacifist
> alternative, we don't know what it might have
> produced.
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