oil addiction

Doug Millison nopynching at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 26 14:21:01 CDT 2001

Oil of course plays a huge role in the world Pynchon
depicts in GR. I believe that a close reading of the
way he treats oil -- the way companies produce it,
what they do with it, what they do with the money they
make from it -- reveals this addiction and destructive
consequences, not only in global environmental terms,
but also in a geopolitical perspective.

Personally, I don't think it's impossible to overcome
this addiction -- although fighting against the
companies that profit from our oil addicition is a
daunting challenge.  Here in California, at least, we
seem to be buying electric automobiles as fast as they
can manufacture them, and, in the wake of the energy
crisis earlier this year, have implemented
solar-generation systems (especially rooftop systems
for houses and office buildings) to the point that
they are, I hear, in short supply and contractors who
specialize this work are extremely busy.

--- John Verity <verity at technologicp.com> wrote:
> >would  all of "those people" in the middle east
> really be better off if
> >we'd never bought their oil?
> yeah, probably. and us, too--less addicted to a
> substance that has 
> helped, through the automobile, to choke our cities
> and create the 
> suburban wasteland. too late now, though--we're
> hooked, bigtime.
>                             J W Verity   TECHNOLOGIC
> 212-343-1900 x258

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