Of Palestinians rejoicing

Mark Wright AIA mwaia at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 28 16:42:24 CDT 2001


"But enough of words. Actions speak louder than! Action, now. Observe,
Burgess & Kubrick
A Clockwork Orange

In your heart you know he's right. Far Right. (Johnson's people re:
Goldwater, of course.)

Am I really so bad, Babs? Look around you, and think hard about the
deeds of the people you would defend.

--- "barbara100 at jps.net" <barbara100 at jps.net> wrote:
> Mark Right wrote:
> <<This sounds like a quote ripped out of context to me, much as we
> routinely do here with one another's posts.>>
> We all know the old saying, Actions Speak Louder Than Words.  What
> difference does it make what Madeline Albright said,  or what
> contexts were distorted?  The real fact of the matter is, countless
> Iraqui men, women, and children civilians died as a result of our
> American Actions. 
> <<How many people would you suggest that he be allowed
> to kill in the name of his favorite brand of Islam?>>
> How many more will we be allowed to kill in the name of our favorite
> brand of Freedom?
> Islam, Freedom, it's all in the same Context.  
> Original Message:
> -----------------
> From: Mark Wright AIA mwaia at yahoo.com
> Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2001 11:01:39 -0700 (PDT)
> To: pynchon-l at waste.org
> Subject: Re: Of Palestinians rejoicing
> Howdy
> --- Otto <o.sell at telda.net> wrote:
> > "Turning now to the actual use of the phrase "the price is worth
> it,"
> > we
> > come to U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright's reply to
> Lesley
> > Stahl's question on "60 Minutes" on May 12, 1996:
> > 
> > Stahl: "We have heard that a half a million children have died
> > [because
> > of sanctions against Iraq]. I mean that's more children than died
> in
> > Hiroshima. And--you know, is the price worth it?"
> > 
> > Albright: "I think this is a very hard choice, but the price--we
> > think
> > the price is worth it.""
> > ("The price is worth it" by Edward S. Herman, Michael Albert, ZNet
> > Commentary, Sept. 26)
> > 
> > Without recognizing our own responsibilities ( and I don't blame
> Mrs.
> > Albright especially for her opinion 'cause we've all supported that
> > decision
> > with our taxes and the election of our governments) for the actual
> > situation
> > we only will make a martyr and hero out of bin Laden after hunting
> > him down.
> This sounds like a quote ripped out of context to me, much as we
> routinely do here with one another's posts.  I'd bet that Albright
> did
> not grant the premise of the question with her response, and that
> this
> snippet is designed to discredit our "political class" as heartless
> and
> contemptible monsters.
> I've no earthly idea how I could recover the context of this quote
> and
> see for myself, however. Such is the miracle of the web.
> By the way, Bin Laden is already a hero to the millions oppressed by
> our indifference and offended by our calculated starvation of Iraqi
> infants, right? However and wherever he dies he will be declared a
> martyr. What do you suggest ought to be done with him and his
> assistants *now*? How many people would you suggest that he be
> allowed
> to kill in the name of his favorite brand of Islam? Should he just go
> on until he gets bored and retires to a villa with a view, somewhere
> with nice weather? Perhaps he won't get bored. Pehaps there will
> always
> be some excuse, some reason for him to declare me his mortal enemy,
> and
> try to kill me, as an American, even as I mind my own frigging
> business
> and fail --- really, seriously fail --- to give a tinker's cuss what
> he
> does in his adopted country.
> And by the by, wading out into even deeper merde, is Sharia just
> another subset of charming folkways ("memes", of course) that ought
> to
> be encouraged to flourish? Opinions anyone? Not that it is any of our
> business, of course.
> Mark
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