MDMD: 'Twas so sincere ...

Terrance lycidas2 at
Sat Sep 29 17:27:48 CDT 2001

Terrance wrote:
> What does Blinky actual do?
> He sneers at command, at authority, a natural reaction, common among
> sailors, particularly those that have been forced into service. But his
> defiance is with words.

Lost my train of thought here, but what I wanted to say here, is that
the Shambles aboard the Jackass/Arabian can also be read as a satire of
"Mis-communication" down the chain and among subordinates. The Lord
Anson can't be questioned. He's got what Max Weber called Charisma. So
note that White and Mead and the other members of the Royal Powderhead
board room  can't even sneer as Blinky does further down the line. The
irony here is thick. Lord Anson says that Command is a form of
Servitude. The men on high suspect Captain Smith of emulating the Lord
Anson, looking out for his own interests, but the Captain's fancy is of
a heart unschooled in guile. This all trickles down the line, Mason and
Dixon not trusting Smith. Smith complaining that he has been
misunderstood, the crew not understanding the commands of the Captain,
but at the end, 
Dixon and Mason, in shambles,  pass the bottle round. No better way to
communicate sometimes.

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