pynchon-l-digest V2 #2096

KXX4493553 at KXX4493553 at
Sun Sep 30 16:20:01 CDT 2001

In einer eMail vom 30.09.01 21:40:21 (MEZ) - Mitteleurop. Sommerzeit schreibt 
FrodeauxB at

>  The speech came on the same day that German Chancellor Gerhard
>  Schroeder indicated a change in Berlin's stance on Russia's war
>  in Chechnya from one of barely concealed condemnation to an
>  understanding of Russia's challenges in fighting terrorism.
It seems to me that Schroeder was very impressed by Putin's excellent German 
in his speech in the German parliament (Bundestag).

A German friend.
Kurt-Werner Pörtner

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