Chapter 45: Body & Soul

Scott Badger lupine at
Thu Apr 11 14:12:47 CDT 2002

>   They become artificial objects posing as humans, a poor
>   substitute for humanity, yet fully acceptable in the
>   decadent world or in Fausto's terms, a world "moving towards
>   non-humanity." This non-humanity is not, as so many have
>   argued, simply Pynchon's Borgs or Terminators,
>   human/machines, humans with plastic parts.  The process is
>   not mechanical and the humans are not machines, but are
>   humans in a world that no longer recognizes or in is the process of
> losing
>    their humanity.

By way of Mr. Albert:
"*Pure* Civilization [as a succession to Culture], as a historical process,
consists in a progressive exhaustion of forms that have become inorganic or
dead."    Oswald Spengler, The Decline of the West

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