MDMD Chapter 49 Notes and Questions (2)

Prokopis Prokopidis prokopis at
Mon Apr 15 10:39:39 CDT 2002

Sarong Sari 479.24-26  
  From a transcript of a broadcast
( of the
Merriam-Webster Word for the Wise radio program:

> A sarong is a loose garment made of a long strip of cloth 
> wrapped around the body. It's worn by men and women chiefly
> of the Malay Archipelago and the Pacific islands. When 
> English adopted kain sarong from Malay in 1830, we dropped 
> kain, meaning "cloth," and retained the sarong. In Malay, 
> sarong literally means "sheath" or "covering."
> Half a century before the Malaysian strip of cloth was 
> introduced to English-speakers, the Hindi sari appeared in 
> English. Worn by Southern Asian women, a sari consists of 
> several yards of lightweight cloth draped so that one end 
> forms a skirt and the other a head or shoulder covering. 
> The Hindi word has its origin in the Sanskrit term sati -- 
> literally, "strip of cloth."


> Sadly, this brings an end to our foray into the world of 
> exotic dress names, but, as the French say, 
> che sarong sarong. (Complaints regarding the previous pun 
> may be sent to Word for the Wise, 318  Central Avenue, 
> Albany, NY, 12206 or e-mailed to us at wftw at

So, no way M & D may have been aware of the sari/sarong distinction?

 From, a page about the book
_How To Keep Laughing: Even Though You've Considered All The Facts_, by
Richard Deats Paperback (June 1994):

> On my first trip to India i saw a woman in a beautiful 
> native costume. "That's a lovely sarong," I said. "But 
> it isn't a sarong," she said, "it's a sari." "Oh," I 
> replied, "sari I was sarong."

In his article "Other than Postmodern?--Foucault, Pynchon, Hybridity,
Ethics" (Post Modern Culture 12.1, 2001) Frank Palmeri, discussing,
among other things, conspiracy theories in M&D, claims that:

> [...] in Mason & Dixon, Pynchon represents the world of 
> the 1760s and of the eighteenth century generally as 
> already largely shaped by shadowy transnational 
> institutions. [...] However, such speculations are repeatedly 
> undermined by their outlandishness, mocked by a 
> tongue-in-cheek tone and deflating puns. For instance, when 
> they are already well advanced in their project and Dixon 
> suggests that perhaps "we shouldn't be runnin' this Line...?" 
> (478), Mason shares some of his "darker Sentiments" with 
> his partner; Mason supposes that the Astronomer Royal may 
> be a spy transmitting the daily  Greenwich observations to 
> French Jesuits who line up the numbers and analyze them like a 
> kabbalistic text until they reveal a mysterious  message. When
> Dixon responds with his own version of a "likely Conspiracy... 
> form'd in the Interest of Trade," it is clear that he doubts 
> the existence of a Jesuit scheme, just as Mason disputes the 
> relevance of the East India Company. But Dixon goes on to 
> press Mason about evidence of trade with the spice islands: 
> Come, Sir, can you not sense here, there, just 'round the 
> corner, the pattering feet and swift Hands of John Company, 
> the Lanthorns of the East...? the scent of fresh Coriander, 
> the whisper of a Sarong...?"

> "Sari," corrects Mason.

> "Not at all Sir,-- 'twas I who was sarong." (479) 

> On this deflating note, the two-page section with its 
> consideration of vast conspiracies breaks off. Mason and 
> Dixon's discussions of possible conspiracies usually become 
> absurd in this way and stop abruptly, lead nowhere, or 
> otherwise fail to reach even a tentative conclusion.

Christ and Peter visit the Indians 481.8
A possible reference to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?
According to the basic beliefs of the church,
> Christ appeared, after His Resurrection, to the people in America, taught 
> them His gospel, and formed His Church among them. 

It was Joseph Smith (founder of the Church, who spent a period of his
life at Susquehanna county with his wife) who found this gospel.
According to

> in 1823 an angel told him of a hidden gospel on golden plates, 
> with accompanying stones that would enable him to translate 
> the text from "reformed Egyptian." On September 22, 1827, 
> these records were delivered to him. He published them as The 
> Book of Mormon in 1830 and organized The Church of Jesus Christ 
> of Latter-day Saints (the Mormons) in April of that year.
Golem 481.9

> A golem, in Medieval folklore, is an animated being made from 
> clay or stone. It is derived from Hebrew mythology and is 
> said to contain a scroll with magic or religious words that keep 
> it animated. 
> Their existence was a mixed blessing.  Although not overly intelligent 
> they could be made to perform simple tasks over and over forever, 
> the problem however was getting them to stop. 
> The most famous tale involves the golem created by the 16th century 
> rabbi [Judah Low ben Bezulel]? of Prague, and was the basis for 
> Gustav Meyrink's 1915 novel Der Golem. 
> The word "golem" is used in the Bible (Psalms 19:16) and in Tamudic 
> literature to refer to an embryonic or incomplete substance. 

For a detailed examination of the Golem myth see

And if you'd like to see pictures of the Golem performing tasks such as
"getting water from the well and going to the market", visit this page
( on Der Golem
(1920) movie, the third part of "what were the first horror movie

Needlewoman 483.6
Probably a reference to The Needlewoman, c. 1640/1650, a painting by 
Diego Velazquez (1599 - 1660). For more information on Velazquez and a
reproduction of the painting visit

Heaven and Hell geography 482-483 

>"Impossible," ventures the Revd. "For is Hell, by this Scheme,
> not a Point, without Dimension?"
> "Indeed. Yet, suppose Hell to be almost a Point," argues the
> doughty DePugh, already Wrangler material, "--they would then 
> be inscribing their Line eternal, upon the inner surface of the 
> smallest possible Spheroid that can be imagin'd, and then some."

This figure ( reminds me
of the Heaven - Hell description in the book, although Heaven is a
sphere of course, not a circle as in the picture. It's from a page on
projective geometry basics (

Now, I'm no mathematician, but wouldn't you say that if Heaven is an
ever expanding sphere, Hell must be constantly moving closer to Earth,
if the projection between H and H is supposed to hold along the way? But
then, notice this posting from MDMD98, where William Karlin states that
"if we reckon logarithmickally earth lies closer to heav'n than to

> One uses a log plot when the range of data one is dealing 
> with is very  large. (i.e., the distance between heaven and hell).
> It works thusly: on a normal graph each tic is one number (100 
> tics equals one through 100) while a log graph starts with the 
> first ten tics equalling one through ten; the second ten represent 
> 10, 20, 30...100; the third set of ten equal 100, 200, 300...1000; 
> and so forth, each group of ten tics represents a higher order of 
> magnitude and therefore very large numbers can be accomodated. 
> So if hell is at one, and heaven is at one million the logarithmick 
> midpoint will lie closer to heaven than to hell because of how the 
> numbers are plotted. (I wish I could draw a picture -- I hope what 
> I'm trying to describe is somewhat clear to everyone.) So, if we
> reckon logarithickally earth lies closer to heav'n than to 
> intriging image, IMO. 

I could not find any literary representations of Hell as "almost a
Point" but, for hell (and heaven, unfortunately) as a really congested
place, see M.C. Escher's

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