MDDM Ben Franklin

Terrance lycidas2 at
Wed Apr 24 08:42:09 CDT 2002

Otto wrote:
> What's more interesting to me is not the "pamphleteering" but the bits &
> pieces telling me that the crime of slavery has been seen as a crime in
> those days already, the contemporaries of Mason & Dixon *knew* that is was
> wrong, unlawful and an offense against the God they were all believing in,
> regardless of Protestant, Puritan, Roman Catholic, Jesuit or whatever:

Some did know that slavery was wrong, unlawful, offensive to God, but
not most. 
Most people did not know this. Even most Quakers, as my posts on the
context of Dixon's punch have argued, did not know or believe this. 

It was a **gradual** (gradualism)  awakening. Not a great awakening at

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