NP? Nazi research & gravity

Doug Millison pynchonoid at
Mon Aug 5 19:57:37 CDT 2002

"The Hunt for Zero Point" by Nick Cook
An editor for the esteemed Jane's Defense Weekly says
the U.S. government has been working on Nazi
anti-gravity technology in secret for 50 years.

The U.S. government confiscated secret Nazi
anti-gravity technology at the end of World War II,
and later may have tested it in aircraft that account
for the rash of post-War UFO sightings. Some of that
technology has probably made its way into the B2
stealth bomber. Some of it is probably so dangerous
that it's buried away in secret government vaults. 

In the post-X-Files age, this sort of conspiracy
theory won't raise any eyebrows. What makes the
allegations interesting is that they appear in "The
Hunt for Zero Point," which is written by Nick Cook,
for 10 years the aviation editor at Jane's Defense
Weekly. Jane's is the bible of the defense
establishment, known for its no-nonsense,
nuts-and-bolts reporting. A former Jane's editor
tackling this topic is enough to make you take a
second look. 

Although anti-gravity research ranks right up there
with perpetual motion on the crank-o-meter, the idea
of anti-gravity can't be completely dismissed. As
recently as 1996 a Finnish scientist announced he
could partially "shield" objects from gravity using
spinning superconductors. Although most scientists are
skeptical, NASA is interested enough that it's trying
to replicate the results. 

And certainly Nazi Germany was working on a lot of
advanced technology by the end of the war, including
rockets, jet fighters and nuclear power. The U.S.
recruited some German scientists to continue their
work in the U.S., most notably Wernher von Braun, the
V-2 rocket scientist who later helped make the moon
landings possible. 

It's also clear that the U.S. military works on secret
technology all the time -- about $11 billion worth
every year in "deep black" programs that aren't even
acknowledged to exist. The stealth fighter and B2
bomber were black programs for years. 

So even if Nazi flying saucers sound nutty on the face
of it, there's nothing crazy about Cook asking the
questions he does. You might even call it courageous.
It's the conclusions he reaches that are the problem.

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