MDDM Ch. 70 Interdiction

Doug Millison millison at
Sun Aug 18 17:59:27 CDT 2002

In tune with their surroundings as they appear to be, on a level not
apparently accessible to all of the Europeans (if any), I think the Native
Americans also feel the bad vibes, the sha that Zhang describes, of the
Line, the Visto, and what will come down it in the future. Perhaps they
sense this as an absence, as jbor seems to say, but I think they sense the
bad shit that's headed down this pike, having had a taste already of the
invaders will do.

At 8:33 AM +1100 8/19/02, jbor wrote:
>I think what upsets or frightens the Native Americans (or, at least, what
>the narrator, or Dixon, infer) is the Visto, the absence of trees. The
>"invisible Thing" is the Visto, as if it was a living entity.

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