
owen j mcgrann owen at sardonic201.net
Mon Aug 19 12:02:41 CDT 2002

hey guys -

i signed up a few days ago and thought i'd introduce myself (because i know 
all of you care).

my name is owen and i'm a 21 year old senior double majoring in philosophy 
and literature; i just finished reading the last of pynchon's works last 
month; i love pynchon but dislike postmodernism, most of which i find 
nothing more than intellectual and linguistic nihilism; i am fond of 
existentialism but hate sartre; i dislike using large, multi-syllabic words 
when a four letter anglo-saxon word says the same thing; and i think joyce 
and pynchon wrote the best two books of the twentieth century but think 
thomas mann is the best novelist of said one hundred years.  (and that's 
all i think - nothing else.)

anyway, i will stop wasting your time.

- owen

the box o' info -
x5451 box 1633
aim: zagreus201

"i was curious and eager to know only what
i believed to be more real than myself."
         - proust: in search of lost time

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