NP? Vineland (andf GR) echoes from a former (?) P-lister

Doug Millison millison at
Mon Aug 19 16:41:58 CDT 2002

At 5:19 PM -0400 8/19/02, Terrance wrote:
 >What you are
>doing is attempting to draw the list attention to your concerns.

Just answering you, buddy. If you don't want to talk about me, all you have
to do is stop.  Your choice. You're the one who's always whining about
"play the ball not the man" even as you do the opposite.

If you'd like a discussion that focuses on Pynchon's work and related
topics, without ad hominem attacks or distortion of one another's posts or
straw man arguments or any of the other lame ways you have of starting or
prolonging an argument, you could start by practicing what you preach. Get
your house in order first, then perhaps you'd regain a bit of credibility
when you lecture others about list etiquette.

As I said to Otto, I'll follow your example.  Be polite, I'll be polite
back.  I'm not afraid of  energetic back-and-forth, either.  Do as you
like, please.

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