Gaddis and Pynchon

Doug Millison millison at
Tue Aug 20 15:14:19 CDT 2002

>I rank Pynchon highly also.  To say, however, that "no one is even close," is
>an admission of a closed or defective critical mind.

Hogwash - it's the sign of somebody who doesn't agree with your particular
prejudices and preferences. No objective standard exists for judging
artistic worth, and I have no reason to accept you as final arbiter of
literary taste.

Arguing about taste is fruitless, particularly so in your case where this
particular discussion -- each time you brin it up, and this is the latest
in a long string -- becomes an opportunity to call people names.

Tomato, tomahto, potato, potahto, let's call the whole thing off.

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