Gaddis and Pynchon

Doug Millison millison at
Tue Aug 20 16:47:00 CDT 2002

>This post was addressed to TobyLevy, primarily, not you.

Then no need to  repost from my email, or to attribute something to me --
in replying to something I've written and which you quote -- that I haven't
said. Unless you just enjoy being a dishonest interlocutor, which appears
to be a likely possibility.

> We're arguing literature here, not making
>people feel good.

OK! But I enjoy giving you an opportunity to vent that spleen all the same,
and if that makes you feel good, please accept my humble apologies.  It's
kind of  fun to watch you get all puffed up and bitchy (just before you
take the inevitable pratfall, see below...).  (A guilty pleasure, surely,
but anything's more interesting than editing the appendix of this book I'm
working on this afternoon.)

>This is not something I worry over.

Really?  If you were really confident in your taste, I doubt you'd make
such a big deal about making sure others know that yours is superior to

It's worth noting, perhaps, that Pynchon seems to enjoy (judging from the
kinds of material he deals with in his works), a broad spectrum of works,
many of them the sort of thing many a literary snob would dismiss out of
hand.  He doesn't appear -- again, judging from his texts, I don't know him
personally -- to be the elitist you are.

>I read it incompletely.  My error.

Indeed.  Maybe you don't read quite as well as you say you do, after all,
Strawman.  Or maybe it's that rarefied air, spending all your time among
the literary clouds of glory. \

Now, take a deep breath...there, all better, feet back on the ground.


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