MDDM Ch. 71 Mr. Twiford's Seat

Otto ottosell at
Wed Aug 21 01:00:38 CDT 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "jbor" <jbor at>
To: <pynchon-l at>
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2002 11:04 PM
Subject: Re: MDDM Ch. 71 Mr. Twiford's Seat

> Otto wrote:
> > I have checked the German translation where it is said:
> >
> > "Doch man huldige nur einer Einzelheit zu eifrig, und alles wird, wie
> > Traum in der Dämmerung, unwiederbringlich entschwinden."
> > "Shakespeare, richtig?"
> > "Nein, Phantast - 's war nur Mason."
> > (914.24-28)
> >
> > which would allow the interpretation too that "Shakespearean, correct?"
> > being said by someone from the audience (Ethelmer?) and "Nay,
> > Transcendence,-- 'twas but Masonick" by the Rev'd.
> I'd say "Transcendence" is Mason's epithet for Dixon here, much like the
> he calls him "Young Jollification" (648.10) &c elsewhere. Dixon also uses
> similar sorts of nicknames to address Mason. Earlier in this chapter Mason
> had described Dixon's use of the Fleur-de-lis, or 'Flower of Light' as
> "Masonick" (688.8), so the double meaning is there and proximate, though I
> don't think Mason identifies himself with (or as a member of) Freemasonry.
> I think that the focus on the fleur-de-lis on Dixon's map links us back to
> the evening spent at the "Flower de Luce" Coffee House in Ch. 30.
> best

Agreed, this is the other, maybe more likely possibility.

I'd like to see that fax P. has sent to Stingl answering his questions . . .



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